Sell Old Network Equipment
Are you looking for a reputable and verified buyer to whom you can sell your old network equipment for good monetary value in return? Have you been searching on the web for some results on “how to sell old networking equipment” and “where to sell used networking equipment”? We are here to help you answer both of these questions in this blog. Server Basket is the largest online IT shop where you can find IT-related services including a service for selling your used network switches and routers. Network equipment tends to retain a resale value even after years of intense usage. You might have multiple questions regarding our “Sell Old Network Equipment” plan: what equipment do we accept, what is the process to sell the equipment, et cetera. Let us dive into some of the questions that consumers generally have while they are planning to sell their network equipment.
What all are included in the network equipment that you buy?
There are various types of network equipment that might be sitting in your inventory. Some of them may still have some use but others may have served their purpose and need to be discarded. Well, you can sell your old network equipment to us and make some space for new tech hardware in your workspace. Server Basket accepts all types of network equipment that includes firewalls, different kinds of switches and routers, hubs, bridges, gateways, modems, repeaters, etc from every brand such as HP, Cisco, Juniper and many others. You do not have to worry about the condition of your hardware as we will take them off your hands and provide you with the best residual value.
Why sell my old network equipment to ServerBasket?
Datacenter owners might have lots of different reasons to sell their used network equipment. They might be looking for better hardware with better specifications that can take on more workload and improve business productivity. Getting rid of the old routers and switches and installing newer models could significantly help your business. If your organization has a lot of old hardware that has been sitting on the shelves and gathering dust then you might want to sell them all to free up some space. Some people who would want to scale down their hardware temporarily or to save costs can discard their used equipment. This would allow them to use their funds on other upgrades that can benefit their business. Besides, when you sell your old network equipment to us, you will get the best possible value for sure.

What process do you follow after buying back used network equipment?
We follow a step-by-step and thorough process after buying your networking equipment. There are multiple laws, protocols, and standards set by the government that must be followed while conducting this business. After your used networking hardware reaches our facility, we start by sorting and segregation them into various categories such as reusables, recyclables, and the ones that are completely useless and need to be discarded. We refurbish the reusable switches and routers and then sell them in the market. Some products are broken down and precious metals and compounds are extracted so that they do not pollute the soil and water. All our processes are environment-friendly and we give our best to promote a green and healthy environment.
Submit Your Asset List & Get Instant Quotation
We strive to ease our clients’ IT burdens through our various services. Selling your decrepit and outdated network equipment to Server Basket is really easy. First of all, make a spreadsheet of all the equipment that you want to sell. Send us your list through our website and we will get back to you instantly with a quote. That quote will also include a fantastic offer that you can avail. If you cannot make or procure a list of your used networking assets then we can also provide you with an approximate quote based on the system model number, its condition, date of purchase, and current pictures with the location. We do not delay in giving the quotation for your hardware and will provide you with the maximum value for them.
Okay, now you have the complete information about selling your old network equipment. Selling your outdated routers, switches, etc to ServerBasket can be an advantage for your business. We simplify the entire process for you and our technical support team will be available 24 x 7 to clear the other queries that you might encounter in this process. Our equipment specialist will send you the quote with the highest value according to your hardware list. There are many other service providers that you can sell your network equipment to but with ServerBasket, you will get the best monetary value for them. We will provide you with a free shipping service through which you send your networking equipment over to us in a secure manner.