Intel SFP
Intel 10G SFP+ SR Ethernet Transceiver
- Device Type: SFP+ Transceiver Module
- Cabling Type: Multi-Mode Fiber
- Max Data Rate: 10Gb/s
- Max Cable Distance: 300 m
- Supported Part Number: E65689-005, E10GSFPSR, E65689-001
- Instant Shipping across Ghana
- 90 Days Assured Warranty
- Thoroughly Tested and Certified Components
GHS 357GHS 416Intel 10G SFP+ SR Ethernet Transceiver
GHS 357GHS 416 -
Intel 10G SFP+ LR Transceiver Module
- Device Type: SFP+ Transceiver Module
- Cabling Type: Ethernet 1000Base-LX, Ethernet 10GBase-LR
- Max Cable Distance: 10Km
- Max Data Rate: 10.3Gb/s
- Supported Part Number: E10GSFPLR, FTLX1471D3BCV-IT, E65685-001
- Ensure network stability and reduce downtime
- Compatibility: Intel Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-DA2, X520-SR1, X520-SR2, X710-DA4
- Instant Shipping across Ghana
- 90 Days Assured Warranty
- Thoroughly Tested and Certified Components
GHS 744GHS 834Intel 10G SFP+ LR Transceiver Module
GHS 744GHS 834